5 Must Haves for your ART Birthday Party
5 Must Haves for your Art Birthday Party! We just celebrated my daughter's 5th birthday with a DIY ART PARTY!!! (And by DIY, I mean we...

Craft Ideas for the Entire Alphabet!
While preparing my daughter for preschool earlier this year, we worked our way through the alphabet, reviewing each letter. We spent...

Best Homemade Play Dough Recipe
I don't know what it is like at your house, but at ours, anything that is messy, colorful or squishy, is usually a big hit. And if it's...

Top 10 Ways to Stay Active With Your Children
Ok, let me rephrase that. These are OUR top 10 ways to stay active, and I am sure that most children would probably agree! Staying active...

Rainy Day Activities for Young Children
Here in Florida, it rains almost every day during the summer, so having an arsenal of entertaining indoor activities is a must! Here are...