Craft Ideas for the Entire Alphabet!
While preparing my daughter for preschool earlier this year, we worked our way through the alphabet, reviewing each letter. We spent time talking about letter sounds, practiced writing the letters (upper case and lower case), named and wrote words that start with each letter, did fun activities that started with the letter and always ended the lesson with a craft to make the capital letter into something that starts with the letter. She really enjoyed it, and always looked forward to the alphabet craft! Once completed, she helped me laminate them and these crafts are currently hung up in our "school/craft room". I wanted to share the crafts, in case others are looking for crafts to use as you teach your little ones about the alphabet.

All crafts were made using basic materials that we already had on hand around the house, and letters and shapes were drawn free hand and then cut out (with the exception of a few paper cutters that were used). I made a list below of the items we used. The great thing is, if you don't have an item, you can just change the craft and customize it to use items that you have.
-card stock paper in different colors
-laminator and laminating pouches (if you want to laminate them)
-circle and heart paper cutters
-plastic wiggly eyes
-small jewels

Letter A for Alligator - Used card stock, scissors and black marker for the eyes.
Letter B for Butterfly - Used card stock, scissors, black marker, a circle punch to make the body and a heart paper punch to decorate the wings with.

Letter C for Caterpillar - Used circle paper cutter, card stock, wiggly eyes and black marker.
Letter D for donut - Used card stock, chalk and scissors.

Letter E for Earth - Used card stock, blue and green paint, and chalk to make the stars. (The stars didn't show up well in the photo).
Letter F for Feather - Used card stock, feathers and glue.

Letter G for Grapes - Used card stock, small circle paper cutter, scissors and glue.
Letter H for hearts - Used card stock and medium sized heart paper cutter.
Letter I for Ice Cream - Used card stock, marker, small circle paper cutter and scissors.
Letter J for Jewels - Used card stock, jewels and glue.

Letter K for Kite - Used card stock, marker, glue and scissors.
Letter L for Lighthouse - Used card stock, scissors, glue and yellow puffy paint (for the light rays). **I used black and white striped scrapbook paper for the body of the lighthouse.**
Letter M for Mouse - Used card stock, circle paper cutter, scissors and glue.

Letter N for Nest - Used card stock, scissors and glue.
Letter O for Owl - Used card stock, markers, small circle paper cutter, scissors and glue.

Letter P for Peacock - Used card stock, scissors, glue and the small circle paper cutter.
Letter Q for Queen - Used card stock, markers, jewels, scissors and glue.

Letter R for Rooster - Used card stock, scissors, glue and one wiggly eye.
Letter S for Snake - Used card stock, paint and wiggly eyes.
Letter T for Tree - Used card stock, makers, scissors and glue.
Letter U for underwater - Used card stock, scissors, glue and stickers.

Letter V for Vase - Used card stock, marker, scalloped circle paper cutter, scissors and glue.
Letter W for Walrus - Used card stock, markers, circle paper cutters, scissors and glue.

Letter X for Xylophone - Used card stock, markers, scissors and glue.
Letter Y for Yak - Used card stock, circle paper cutter, marker, scissors and glue.
Letter Z for Zebra - Used card stock, marker, wiggly eye, scissors and glue.
Thank you for taking a look at our "Alphabet Wall"! I hope you enjoy making these letter crafts as much as we did!