Best Back to School Reading List for Young Children
Back to school time comes with a lot of mixed emotions, at least it does at our house. After all of the shopping for new clothes, a backpack and school supplies, there is definitely a lot of excitement in the air. But there is also the possibility of nervousness, potential separation anxiety, and fear of the unknown. For us, part of preparing for a new school year involves talking through what a typical day at school would be like, discussing classroom rules and hyping up all the glorious things that take place at school (making new friends, playground time, centers, art time etc). My daughter loves to read and look at books, so books play a huge role in teaching at our house. These are our 6 favorite "Back to School Books" that help children understand what school will be like, send a positive message about the new environment they will be in and also help them feel more comfortable about the thought of being away from you. Thankfully, this year, we didn't have any tears (thank you Jesus!), but we have in the past, and these were a big help for us!

I will provide a brief overview of each book shown above. Hopefully this will help you decide if any of the books would be a good fit for your little ones.
Llama Llama Misses Mama
By: Anna Dewdney
We just love all of the Llama llama books! They rhyme and have the cutest illustrations as well. This one walks you through the typical morning routine of getting ready for school through until the end of the day. After arriving at his new class little llama feels very sad. It is a great story to talk about real emotions that a child might feel, and how he works through them and is smiling by the end of the day. At the end of the story, he realizes he can love his mama and school too!
The Pout-Pout Fish Goes to School
By: Deborah Diesen
The pout-pout fish arrives at school on the first day and is very worried that he doesn't know enough to be in his class. With each classroom he peaks in, he is overwhelmed with what he sees, and repeats the following: I'm not smart, I'll never get it, I don't belong, Forget it. Finally he finds the classroom he belongs in, and realizes that he doesn't have to know all of those things to go to school, because they will teach them to him. By the end of the story, he turns the negative banter around and is enjoying himself!
Kindergarten Rocks
By: Katie Davis
We haven't started kindergarten yet in our house, but we have still been reading this book and enjoying it for a few years now. The main character is really worried about his first day of kindergarten, but soon learns that it is a lot of fun. Most of his worries are voiced through his stuffed puppy, as if the puppy is the one concerned. His big sister helps him overcome his uneasiness because she has already been to kindergarten, so she is an expert at it. This is such a fun book!
When I Miss You
By: Cornelia Maude Spelman
This book explores all of the sad feelings that come with missing a parent. Separation anxiety can be very hard for some children, and most probably experience it at some point. Reading this book will help your child understand that you will be back, and also helps them find ways to cope with the sadness until you do return.
I Love You All Day Long
By: Francesca Rusackas
The little pig doesn't want to go to school because he is afraid to be without his mother. His mommy reminds him that even though she wont be there with him, she still loves him when they are apart. The story walks you through a normal day at school and explains that his mommy still loves him during each of those activities, all the way up until they are reunited again.
The Night Before Preschool
By: Natasha Wing
Similar to the rhymes and feel of "The Night Before Christmas", this book is super cute and a lot of fun to read! It starts the night before preschool, and takes him through his first day all the way until his mother picks him up from school and brings his favorite teddy with her. He has to work through the typical first day of school worries, and is able to finally start enjoying it by the end of the day.
Happy reading! I hope you and your little ones enjoy these books as much as we have!